2. Past
Simple Tense सिंपल पास्ट टेंस
प्रथम चरण: First Step
इस टेंस को समझने के लिए सबसे पहले आप को इस बात का ध्यान रखना है कि वाक्य में कहीं न कहीं स्थिति या किर्या के घटित होने के टाइम का ज़िक्र किया गया होगा1
जैसे कि कल, परसों, पिछले रविवार, दस वर्ष पहले या सन दो हज़ार में
To understand this tense, first of all you will have to see
if the time of the occurrence has been mentioned in the sentence or given in
the situation or context. The time may be shown by such words: yesterday, day before yesterday,
last Sunday, ten years ago, before, in 2000
दूसरा चरण: अब आपको यह देखना है कि वाक्य सकारात्मक है, नकारात्मक है या प्रश्नवाचक है1
Second Step:
Now you are
to notice if the sentence is positive, negative or interrogative.
तीसरा चरण: यदि वाक्य सकारात्मक है तो सभी कर्ताओं के साथ वर्ब की दूसरी फॉर्म का प्रयोग करो1
Third Step:
If the sentence is positive, use the 2nd form of the verb with all
types of the subjects.
यदि वाक्य नकारात्मक है या प्रश्नवाचक है तो did + first form of
the verb का प्रयोग करो1
If the
sentences are negative and interrogatives, use did+ the 1st form of
the verb with all types of the subjects.
सकारात्मक वाक्य Positive Sentences
कल वह मुझे पार्क में मिला १
He met me in the park yesterday.
He met me in the park yesterday.
पिछले रविवार एक व्यक्ति तालाब में डूब गया १
A person got drowned in a pond last Sunday.
A person got drowned in a pond last Sunday.
माली ने आज दो बजे पौधों को पानी दिया १
The gardener watered the plants at 2 o'clock today.
The gardener watered the plants at 2 o'clock today.
रसोइये ने खाना तैयार कर दिया १
The cook cooked food.
The cook cooked food.
कल यहाँ जम कर बारिश हुई १
It rained heavily here yesterday.
It rained heavily here yesterday.
बच्चों ने सांप को मार दिया १
The children killed the snake.
The children killed the snake.
पिछली गर्मियों में हम शिमला गए १
We went to Shimla duriing last summer vacation.
We went to Shimla duriing last summer vacation.
दस वर्ष पूर्व मै ताजमहल देखने आगरा गया १
I went to Agra to see the Taj Mahal ten years ago.
I went to Agra to see the Taj Mahal ten years ago.
कल किसी ने मेरी घडी चुरा ली १
Someone stole my watch yesterday.
Someone stole my watch yesterday.
वह नीचे बैठ गया १
He sat down.
He sat down.
Ex. 2 नकारात्मक वाक्य (Negative sentences)
मैंने किसी को गाली नहीं दी १
I did not abuse anyone.
I did not abuse anyone.
मिस्टर John ने अपनी पत्नी को तलाक़ दे दिया १
Mr. John divorced his wife.
Mr. John divorced his wife.
मैंने कोई चमत्कार नहीं किया १
I did not do any miracle.
I did not do any miracle.
उसने मेरा पांच मिनट भी इंतज़ार नहीं किया १
He did not wait wait for me even for five minutes.
He did not wait wait for me even for five minutes.
नौकरानी ने एक भी बर्तन साफ़ नहीं किया १
The maid servant did not clean even a single utensil.
The maid servant did not clean even a single utensil.
चपड़ासी ने घंटी नहीं बजाई १
The peon did not ring the bell.
The peon did not ring the bell.
राजू ने मोहन को चुनौती नहीं दी १
Raju did not challenge Mohan.
Raju did not challenge Mohan.
अध्यापक ने बच्चे को नहीं डांटा १
The teacher did not scold the child.
The teacher did not scold the child.
मैंने यह कागज़ नहीं फाड़ा १
I did not tear this paper.
I did not tear this paper.
रेनू ने यह स्वेटर नहीं बना १
Renu did not knit this sweater.
Renu did not knit this sweater.
प्रश्नवाचक वाक्य
(Interrogative Sentences)
क्या तुमने सरला को चांटा नहीं मारा?
Did you not slap Sarla?
Did you not slap Sarla?
क्या रोहित ने यह दर्पण तोड़ दिया?
Did Rohit break this mirror?
Did Rohit break this mirror?
इस भिखारी को घर कौन लाया?
Who brought this beggar home?
Who brought this beggar home?
कल तुम अम्बाला
क्यों नहीं गए?
Why did you not go to Ambala yesterday?
Why did you not go to Ambala yesterday?
तुमने मुझे चाय पर निमंत्रित क्यों नहीं किया?
Why did you not invite me to tea?
Why did you not invite me to tea?
रेखा ने अपनी बहन को गाली क्यों दी?
Why did Rekha abuse her sister?
Why did Rekha abuse her sister?
रोशन लाल ने किसे धोखा दिया?
Whom did Roshan Lal abuse?
Whom did Roshan Lal abuse?
क्या मोहन के पिता ने राजा को डांटा?
Did Mohan's father rebuke Raja?
Did Mohan's father rebuke Raja?
कल तुमने कौन सी फिल्म देखी ?
Which movie did you watch yesterday?
Which movie did you watch yesterday?
10. तुमने कल झूठ क्यों बोला?
Why did you tell a lie yesterday?
Why did you tell a lie yesterday?